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Business Accounts

We have tailored our Free Business Checking account to meet the specific financial needs of small business owners. This account is perfect for the small business member who has a low volume of items each month.

  • $100 minimum opening deposit
  • No minimum monthly balance required
  • Non-dividend bearing
  • No monthly service fee
  • 1,000 FREE monthly transaction items*

* Transaction items include all debits and credits. If Free Business Checking exceeds 1,000 free monthly transaction items, account may be converted to a Commercial Checking.

Carter's Commercial Checking is designed with your business needs in mind. Our Commercial Checking is suited for businesses with a monthly volume of more than 1,000 transaction items.

  • $100 minimum opening deposit
  • Earn dividends when an average monthly balance of $10,000 is obtained*
  • Balances from $10,000 to $49,000 earn 0.45% APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
  • Balances from $50,000 or greater earn 0.55% APR (Annual Percentage Rate)
  • Maintain only a $10,000 average monthly balance to avoid a monthly service fee of $15
  • First 1,000 transaction items are free each month**
  • Transaction items over 1,000 each month are .10¢ each
  • Coin/Currency deposits just .50¢ per $1,000

* If average monthly balance falls below $10,000 no dividends are earned.

** Transaction items include all debits and credits.

Carter's Business Money Max account is designed for those who desire to maintain larger savings balances, but do not want to tie the funds up in certificates, or risk the principle investment in stocks.If you are looking to build that important nest egg that all businesses should have on hand, then this account is perfect for your business!

  • Allows up to six transactions during the month
  • Minimum monthly balance of $2,500 or greater to avoid service fee
  • Higher dividend earnings on balance
  • Tiered dividend rates for maximum earnings

If the number of transactions is exceeded or the minimum monthly balance is not maintained an $8 service charge will be assessed. 

Our Business Savings account can get you started to meeting your financial goals you have in mind. At Carter Credit Union we understand the importance of a financial safety net for your business and we are here to serve you!

  • $100 minimum opening deposit
  • No monthly service fees
  • Dividends paid and compounded monthly
  • 2 Free Withdrawals per Month*

Apply Now

* $10 charge for each additional withdrawal

Carter is committed to helping local businesses and business owners meet the needs of their organizations and understand the special needs of not-for-profits. Our Not-for-Profit Checking account is the perfect fit for the financial needs of your business.

  • $100 minimum opening deposit
  • No monthly service fees
  • Non-dividend bearing account