Receive the ultimate in purchasing power, flexibility, and convenience when you carry a Carter Credit Union Credit Card. This card is sure to fit both your lifestyle and your spending style, not to mention the opportunity to earn great rewards with your purchases. Rewards are available in points to cash and merchandise.
Enjoy competitively low rates, no annual fee, and even a 25-day grace period. Make your life easier with your very own Carter credit card.
VISA Platinum
Rates as low as 11.50% APR
Introductory rate 0% APR/6 Months*
- No annual fee
- No balance transfer fee
- Contactless payment
- Cash advance APR same as purchase APR
- Zero fraud liability
VISA Platinum with Rewards
Rates as low as 13.50% APR
Introductory rate 0% APR/6 Months*
Points on every dollar spent**
- No annual fee
- No balance transfer fee
- Contactless payment
- Cash advance APR same as purchase APR
- Zero fraud liability
- Cash back, merchandise, travel, gift cards and much more!
Business VISA
Rates as low as 12.8% APR
- No annual fee
- Contactless payment
- Money management tools
- Zero fraud liability
Contact a Carter representative today to apply!